Sunday, October 01, 2006

So Much For Academic Freedom

"'I will have to move homes and live somewhere else, where I will now be forced to remain anonymous in my own country [France],' he said."


At 10/01/2006 9:05 AM, Blogger Raven said...

Yeah the tolerant Muslims.

We don't always agree with what professors have to say- we protest and get signatures on petitions; we demand these guys be fired or investigated...but we never call for their heads. Only the Muslims do this.

At 10/01/2006 11:33 AM, Blogger nanc said...

this is extremely disturbing.

At 10/01/2006 1:03 PM, Blogger Brooke said...

Wow. The Pope threatened, Redeker threatened, Theo assassinated, your previous post containing articles on the under-education (by choice) of Muslims...

The list goes on and on. Example after example of their primitive barbarity, and STILL the West acquiesces to their bullying.

At 10/01/2006 4:27 PM, Blogger nanc said...

okay - you're the camp commandant!

At 10/01/2006 6:56 PM, Blogger Always On Watch said...

A translation of Redeker's article:

What should the free world do while facing Islamist intimidation?

The reactions caused by Benedict XVI’s analysis of Islam and violence highlight the underhanded maneuver carried out by Islam to stifle what the West values more than anything, and which does not exist in any Moslem country: freedom of thought and expression.

Islam tries to impose its rules on Europe : opening of public swimming pools at certain hours reserved exclusively for women, ban on caricaturing this religion, demands for special diets for Muslim children in school cafeterias, struggle to impose the veil at school, accusations of Islamophobia against free spirits.

How can one explain the ban on the wearing thongs on Paris-Beaches* this summer? The reasoning put forth was bizarre: women wering thongs would risk “disturbing the peace”. Did this mean that bands of frustrated youths would become violent while being offended by displays of beauty? Or were the authorities scared of Islamist demonstrations by virtue squads near Paris-Beaches?

However, the authorization of the veil on the street is more disturbing to public peace than wearing a thong, because it invites complaints against the upholding the oppression of women .This ban represents an Islamization of sensibilities in France, a more or less conscious submission to the diktats of Islam. At the very least it is the result of the insidious Muslim pressure on the minds: even those who protested the introduction of a “Jean Paul II Square” in Paris would not be opposed to the construction of mosques. Islam is trying to force Europe to yield to its vision of humanity.

As in the past with Communism, the West finds itself under ideological watch. Islam presents itself, like defunct Communism, as an alternative to the Western world. In the way of Communism before it, Islam, to conquer spirits, plays on a sensitive string. It prides itself on a legitimacy which troubles Western conscience, which is attentive to others: it claims to be the voice of the oppressed of the planet. Yesterday, the voice of the poor supposedly came from Moscow, today it originates in Mecca! Again, today, western intellectuals incarnate the eye of the Koran, as they have incarnated the eye of Moscow. They now excommunicate people because of Islamophobia, as they did before because of anti-communism.

This opening to others, specific to the West, is a secularization of Christianity that can be summarized thus:the other person must come before myself. The Westerner, heir to Christianity, is the that exposes his soul bare. He runs the risk of being seen as weak. With the same ardor as Communism, Islam treats generosity, broadmindedness, tolerance, gentleness, freedom of women and of manners, democratic values, as marks of decadence. They are weaknesses that it seeks to exploit, by means of useful idiots, self-rigtheous consciences drowning in nice feelings, in order to impose the Koranic order on the Western world itself.

The Koran is a book of unparalleled violence. Maxime Rodinson states, in Encyclopedia Universalis, some truths that in France are as significant as they are taboo. On one hand: “Mohammed revealed in Medina unsuspected qualities as political leader and military chief (…) He resorted to private war, by then a prevalent custom in Arabia (….) Mohammed soon sent small groups of partisans to attack the Meccan caravans, thus punishing his unbelieving compatriots and simultaneously acquiring the booty of a wealthy man.”

There is more: “Mohammed profited from this success by eradicating the Jewish tribe which resided in Medina, the Quarayza, whom he accused of suspect behaviour.” And: “After the death of Khadija, he married a widow, a good housewife, called Sawda, and in addition to the little Aisha, barely ten years old. His erotic predilections, held in check for a long time, led him to ten simultaneous marriages .”

A merciless war chief, plunderer, slaughterer of Jews and a polygamist, such is the man revealed through the Koran.

Of , the Catholic church is not above reproach. Its history is strewn with dark pages, for which it has officially repentaed. The Inquisition, the hounding of witches, the execution of the philosophers Giordano Bruno and Vanini, those wrong-thinking Epicureans, in the 18th century the execution of the knight of La Barre for impiety, do not plead in the church’s favor. But what differentiates Christianity from Islam is obvious: it is always possible to go back to true evangelical values, the peaceful character of Jesus as opposed to the deviations of the Church.

None of the faults of the Church have their roots in the Gospel. Jesus is non-violent. Going back to Jesus is akin to forswear the excesses of the Church. Going back to Mahomet, to the conbtrary, reinforces hate and violence. Jesus is a master of love, Mahomet is a master of hatred.

The stoning of Satan, each year in Mecca, is not only an obsolete superstition. It not only sets the stage for a hysterical crowd flirting with barbarity. Its importis anthropological. Here is a rite, which each Muslim is invited to submit to, that emphasizes violence as a sacred duty in the very heart of the believer.

This stoning, accompanied each year by the acciedental trampling to death of some of the believers, sometimes up to several hundreds, is a rite that feeds archaic violence.

Instead of getting rid of this archaic violence, and thus imitating Judaism and Christianity (Judaism starts when it abandons human sacrifice, and enters civilization; Christianity transforms sacrifice through the Eucharist), Islam builds a nest for this violence, where it will incubate. Whereas Judaism and Christianity are religions whose rites spurn violence, by delegitimizing it, Islam is a religion that exalts violence and hatred in its everyday rites and sacred book.

Hatred and violence dwell in the book with which every Muslim is brought up, the Koran. As in the Cold War, where violence and intimidation were the methods used by an ideology hell bent on hegemony, so today Islam tries to put its leaden mantel all over the world. Benedict XVI’s cruel experience is testimony to this. Nowadays, the West has to be called the “free world” in comparison to the Muslim world; likewise, the enemies of the “free world”, the zealous bureaucrats of the Koran’s vision, swarm in the very center of the frre World.

At 10/01/2006 7:49 PM, Blogger benning said...

And it takes place in France. Why am I unsurprised?

Will the Europeans learn the lesson in time?

At 10/01/2006 11:01 PM, Blogger nanc said...

and, if what you've reported here isn't bad enough:

At 10/02/2006 6:33 AM, Blogger The Merry Widow said...

KuhnKat- Yes, commies and mohammadins protect the "sanctity" of poverty. They protect it to death, along with institutionalized bad medicine, superstition, mis education or missing education. "Translated" i.e. re-written history. False modesty , perversion publicly denied and privately practiced, power struggles, backstabbing and on down the spiral of degeneracy to Hell! I have no wish to live in such a society and the only people I believe need to live in it for a short period of time(or at least until they get it) are leftistas!
AoW- Thanks for the translation, just more proof, but I'm afraid, Cubed, is correct, it is a mindset that follows Plato!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


At 10/02/2006 6:33 AM, Blogger The Merry Widow said...

KuhnKat- Yes, commies and mohammadins protect the "sanctity" of poverty. They protect it to death, along with institutionalized bad medicine, superstition, mis education or missing education. "Translated" i.e. re-written history. False modesty , perversion publicly denied and privately practiced, power struggles, backstabbing and on down the spiral of degeneracy to Hell! I have no wish to live in such a society and the only people I believe need to live in it for a short period of time(or at least until they get it) are leftistas!
AoW- Thanks for the translation, just more proof, but I'm afraid, Cubed, is correct, it is a mindset that follows Plato!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


At 10/02/2006 7:16 AM, Blogger Always On Watch said...

Infidel Bloggers Alliance posted on the story you mentioned. In the comments section there, you'll find some creative titles for Christmas carols.

At 10/02/2006 9:05 AM, Blogger American Crusader said...

I guess he pretty much proved his own point by calling the Koran violent.

I personally think it should be banned as hate speech here in America. This book commands its followers to wage war against all nonbelievers wherever they are found.

Too bad our politicians would never be this brave. The longer they wait, the worse it will be...just ask the citizens of France.

At 10/02/2006 9:56 AM, Blogger Gayle said...

It makes me sick! President Bush got jumped on so much for calling Islamofascists "evil" that he doesn't do that anymore. It truly burns me up! They are indeed "the evil empire" and I believe it's time for another "crusade!"

At 10/02/2006 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If some folks don't wake up, fifteen centuries from now, school children will be reading in history books about the world's millenium of Islamic rule through most of the 2000s and early 3000s, assuming, of course, that they are ever overthrown.

At 10/02/2006 10:08 PM, Blogger WomanHonorThyself said...

This is SO out of control AOW..NO one can speak their minds about Izzzzzzzlam but pple can say the vilest things about women, and all other religions without a morsel of fear or reprisal..were in a dangerous situation no doubt.

At 10/03/2006 12:43 AM, Blogger David Schantz said...

I'm not up on gun laws in France, but I'd just about bet this man is unarmed. If that was me I'd be thinking about moving out of the country.

God Bless America, God Save The Republic.

At 10/03/2006 8:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are colleges in the USA where Republicans and Jews have been targeted by Muslim students.

At 10/03/2006 9:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know David. Would you be willing to leave America if you were threatened by Islamic groups here?
I know it's France....but it's his home country.

At 10/03/2006 11:05 AM, Blogger nanc said...

great point, a.c. i'd dayamed sure not be on the hurtin' side of a gun or knife though.

At 10/04/2006 1:56 AM, Blogger The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

This is real terrorism, when you cannot even express yourself for fear of violent reprisal.

This from the LA Times:

Rites Marking Defeat of Moors Are Scaled Back
From Times Wire Reports
October 3, 2006

Some traditional Spanish festivals that include effigies of Muhammad are being scaled back to avoid offending Muslims, a Spanish newspaper reported.

The festivals commemorate Spain's expulsion of the Moors in 1492. The fiestas, which each village holds on a different date, are common in many areas of Spain, particularly around the southeastern city of Valencia. Revelers sometimes stage mock battles. In the finale, Christians defeat Muslim Moors, and an image of the prophet is destroyed.

At 10/04/2006 7:29 AM, Blogger Always On Watch said...

Yes, this IS terrorism. Psychological. How many others will not now speak their minds?

Spain slides even further down the slope of dhimmitude. El Cid must be rolling in his grave!

At 10/04/2006 7:32 AM, Blogger Always On Watch said...

There are colleges in the USA where Republicans and Jews have been targeted by Muslim students.

David Horowitz spoke a bit about that at the Symposium I attended in April.

There are many kinds of targeting. Not all involve physical threats. Some students have had their grades lowered for expressing a more conservative position than their professors, despite the fact that those students wrote good essays, well supported and well organized.

At 10/06/2006 9:59 AM, Blogger Always On Watch said...

From Muslim World Review, "What Is the World Afraid of Muslims?". Concluding sentence:

In the words of Thomas Jefferson, "I have judged other's religions by their lives, for it is from our lives and not our words that our religions must be read."


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