Mobilizing The Muslim Vote
(All emphases by Always On Watch)
According to this October 19, 2006 article (also posted at CAIR's web site) reproduced here in its entirety:
The picture caption reads as follows:Richmond - Muslims in Virginia are poised to play a sizable role in next month’s election, with nearly 60,000 registered Muslim voters in the state, according to a local political organization.
Mukit Hossain, president of the Virginia Muslim Political Action Committee, said his group is working to mobilize voters to get out and vote Democratic. In a Senate race as tight as the one between Democrat Jim Webb and incumbent Republican George Allen, 60,000 voters can be the difference between a win and a loss.
Population estimates show Virginia’s Muslim population at about 300,000. Most reside in Northern Virginia.
“I think we can make sizeable impacts,” Hossain said. “I think we made a difference in the gubernatorial race” between Tim Kaine and Jerry Kilgore. The group supported Kaine, the winner of the race by just more than 113,000 votes.
Hossain said the group does not have a political affiliation and attempts to be nonpartisan. He said the PAC is endorsing Webb and the Democratic House candidates in Northern Virginia based on their views on civil liberties, human rights, immigration, foreign policy, health care and education.
One issue especially important to the group was local enforcement of federal immigration laws. The Herndon Town Council’s decision to train local police to enforce these laws was especially troubling, Hossain said.
“That’s the sort of mechanism we believe would be extremely dangerous for the Muslim community,” he said. “You are handing over a degree of power that is not necessarily warranted and can be abused, especially given the skimpy training [Herndon police] are going to receive.”
(Brig Cabe/Examiner)Here at Always On Watch, I have previously blogged about Mukit Hossain. See THIS and THIS. The former includes this information:
The Mustafa Center is a Muslin mosque near the intersection of Braddock and Backlick roads in Annandale.
"Hossain and the other Muslims working with Project Hope and Harmony have been accused of trying to justify illegal immigration, but their commitment to the issue has remained strong."Project Hope and Harmony made both local and national news because this organization supported the Herndon Day Laborer Center. The next local elections in Herndon ousted the mayor and council members who voted in favor of the center.
I don't put much credence in the numbers. However, I DO want to take a closer look at Mukit Hossain and his being an immigration advocate.
AND...I forgot to comment on THIS gem:
"Hossain said the group does not have a political affiliation and attempts to be nonpartisan. He said the PAC is endorsing Webb and the Democratic House candidates in Northern Virginia based on their views on civil liberties, human rights, immigration, foreign policy, health care and education."
Ok, they claim they don't have a political affiliation and want to be nonpartisan, but the PAC is endorsing Webb????
Note on Webb: A huge Webb sign got egged the other night near where I live. I kind of wished they just tore it down.
I forgot to comment on THIS gem:
"Hossain said the group does not have a political affiliation and attempts to be nonpartisan. He said the PAC is endorsing Webb and the Democratic House candidates in Northern Virginia based on their views on civil liberties, human rights, immigration, foreign policy, health care and education."
Ok, they claim they don't have a political affiliation and want to be nonpartisan, but the PAC is endorsing Webb????
I was hoping that a comment would pick up on the above. A little contradiction, I would say.
That's funny -- earlier today, I wrote in an email to a friend that a Dem majority o n the Hill would be the best thing that ever happened to Islam.
Voting dhimmicrat always helps those who want to tear this country down!
AoW- this must be frustrating and in a way frightening news. We have about 5ooo or so in the county where I live. I'm not real happy about it!
This is not good news and I suppose that is a huge understatement! That's what we need, thousands and thousands of Muslim voters! ARRRGGGGG! I think I may go crazy yet; I'm certainly frustrated enough!
Pray, pray, pray that we don't lose the House in November!
If we do take them at their word, and for the moment accept their numbers, the fact that they all want to vote dhimmocrat should SCREAM!
It was so funny, I was reading this when I got your message! Thanks!
I'm also so frustrated, I don't know what to do! What is left to do? I agree with Gayle..."Pray, pray, pray that we don't lose the House in November!"
Lone Pony,
It was so funny, I was reading this when I got your message!
I'm not sure that the Republicans will lose the House. Elections are unpredictable.
Of course Muslimes will vote for Democrats- we all know this. The party of cut and run, wussy foreign polic fits right into the agenda of Islam.
Supposedly, Grover Norquist mobilized the Muslim vote for GWB in either 2000 or 2004 (maybe both). I haven't heard much about Grover's mobilizing the Muslim vote for the midterm elections.
Yes, that's a good term for it.
Voting entitlements?
When my husband and I go to the polls this time, we'll take a look to see how many obviously Muslim voters are present. I tend not to notice such things, but after reading this article in the newspaper, I'll be more alert.
In this particular district, we have a substantial population of both Muslims and Hispanics. Of course, now Virginia requires photo ID (usually a driver's license), which is a pretty good deterrent to voters who are not qualified to cast a ballot.
Voting dhimmicrat always helps those who want to tear this country down!
Mr. Beamish has often alluded to that. I'm sure you've seen some of his comments on Dems.
AOW, I should think the possibility of Muslims influencing the outcome of an election would be a motivator for the GOP/conservative voters to turn out en mass. It also astounds me that Muslims who believe that the only government is Islam and that the only law is Sharia would be active to any degree in our civil non-Islamic governmental elections. Being involved in politics and elections contradicts their basic tennants.
The Democratic Party was founded by inconsolable anti-Federalists. And what has the party built by people who oppose the Constitution done in their time?
They shattered the checks and balances system by ethnic cleansing the Cherokee from their recognized sovereign lands against a court ruling by the Supreme Court in a case brought peacefully by the tribe through the judicial system.
They created a spoils system to turn local governments into organized crime syndicates.
They fired upon US military installations to protest the election of a President opposed to their plans to expand African slavery across the continent, and ignited a civil war.
And so on.
America has never been led by a competent Democrat. None have ever existed. They're either malicious or stupid.
From this source:
An Islamic TV Channel Expands Its U.S. Audience
Bridges TV, an American-Islamic TV channel "seeking to improve the image of Muslims in the United States" and to "offer a unique perspective on the Middle East and the war on terrorism," has extended its availability into six states, creating a potential audience of nearly 2 million.
The network's programming includes a mix of entertainment, sports, news, documentaries, and advertisements from companies like Ford, with an emphasis on religious programs....
Throughout the day, Bridges TV airs segments of Koranic verses, quite a few of which denounce "unbelievers." One notable verse that aired October 9 praised martyrdom.
Since the Islamic holy month of Ramadan began, the channel has been showing official, Saudi government-controlled Wahhabi sermons from Mecca's holiest mosque, Al-Haram. The sermons stream live via Saudi TV Channel one every day at 4 p.m., and Bridges TV adds its own English subtitles.
An anti-Jewish, anti-Christian sermon from October 5 included the call, "May God destroy them!"
Bridges TV's Web site,, features a weekly poll. Notable questions and results include 59% calling for Hezbollah to continue as a military force in Lebanon, 73% in agreement with the American policy of withholding funds to the Hamas-led Palestinian Arab government, and 63% believing that the Iranian government's nuclear program is for peaceful purposes.
One of the stars of Bridges TV is a cofounder and vice chairman of the international health care company CBay Inc., Donald "Skip" Conover, who hosts and produces a show called "Words Matter." He was the subject of a gushing article in the Saudi daily Arab News on September 27.
In the article, Mr. Conover expressed "his disgust" at what he called inflammatory statements about Arabs and Muslims in the press.
He also discussed the power of the "Jewish lobby" and called on all Muslims to vote for the Democratic Party. "Every American politician is in lockstep with Israel. … If they vote against, then the Jewish lobby will put a lot of money behind the candidate against them in their districts in the future. I have news for the Muslim community. All American politicians are in the pocket of the Jewish lobby today because they control a lot of money, and they spend a lot of money in politics."
"If the Muslims of America believe that they don't want Bush to have a free hand for the next two years, then the Muslims of America need to get organized and make sure they get out to vote for Democrats for both the House and the Senate," Mr. Conover added. "Every Muslim in the Middle East who has a relative in the U.S. should get the message across to their relatives. They need to make sure that all their friends vote against Bush."
I have previously blogged about Bridges-TV over at Northern Virginiastan.
Old Soldier,
Being involved in politics and elections contradicts their basic tennants.
Not if working from the inside. The end justifies the means.
Mr. Beamish,
Thank you for posting that information. I've seen you posted similarly elsewhere, but didn't have those comments saved in a file. I have a tendency to save everything, but I can't really do so. LOL.
Old Soldier,
AOW, I should think the possibility of Muslims influencing the outcome of an election would be a motivator for the GOP/conservative voters to turn out en mass.
If they know of the story, that is. I don't think the story has gotten much coverage.
You might say I hate the Democratic Party and everything it stands for.
Mr.B.- It's interesting to read your retrospect of dhimmicrats. My Father's family were democrats, until my Father and Uncle switched to Republican. They were Southern slave owners on my Grandfathers side, my Grandmother was Western but with a virulent hatred of Indians. In fact my Grandmother hated(literally) everyone who wasn't a WASP. She hated my Mother because she was from NYC, a RC and smoked, oh she was also blonde and half German! My Grandfather and their sons suffered with her hatreds! Mom was never thatway, she treated all with respect. I follow her path, it's saner!
So you could say that my parents rejected that hatred from their lives and didn't let it infect mine!
Watchin' Book TV over the weekend, it was interesting to note that the left-leaning authors were threatening to "go Mexican" on us if they didn't win the House.
I guess all that election fraud propaganda has had some purpose, after all.
Watchin' Book TV over the weekend, it was interesting to note that the left-leaning authors were threatening to "go Mexican" on us if they didn't win the House.
Is that a threat? What is it supposed to mean?
I took it as a threat, and used the authors terms... "go Mexican on them". Progressive populism has little respect for the rule of law. Just look at South America.
btw - I love the architecture in your picture at the top of this thread. The eleventh and twelfth columns are "extended" into heaven and the imam's stand in them and call down to the people...
I've got a piece on the "progressive liberal" twelve columns posted at my site... and recently deleted my post on the enlightenment "10"...
Farmer John,
So, you too notice that crackdowns on voter registration fraud have brought Republicans into the winner's circle in every race since 1994?
There aren't that many people in the country that would actually vote for a Democrat. Unfortunately, those that do are so dedicated to the Democratic Party's principles of destroying the Constititution that they vote as early, and as often, as they can.
You can already hear the stirring mantra. "Democrats can't win when there's computer accurate vote counts"
I love the architecture in your picture at the top of this thread. The eleventh and twelfth columns are "extended" into heaven and the imam's stand in them and call down to the people...
I love Muslim architecture. Intricacies such as you mentioned--and other symbolism as well.
I've got a piece on the "progressive liberal" twelve columns posted at my site... and recently deleted my post on the enlightenment "10"...
You CAN just pull posts off the blog and save them as a draft, you know. However, I suspect that you like to keep your blog neat and tidy by having limited posts available for viewing.
"go Mexican on them"
As in populist anarchy, then. That has been the plague of Latin America.
Mr. Beamish,
You can already hear the stirring mantra. "Democrats can't win when there's computer accurate vote counts"
Perhaps my memory is playing tricks on me, but didn't Democrats push for voting machines because they'd be more accurate than the paper ballot?
Well always, if I kept all my old posts the world would soon discover just how redundant they all are and wouldn't need me to post new ones.
This way my posts always look new. They are my anti-newspaper. They only appear to say new things.
Do you throw out your unread newspapers? I do.
AOW: I believe that they did, and then whined about the GOP "fixing" them.
You just can't please 'em...
Hiya OS said I should think the possibility of Muzzzzzzzlims influencing the outcome of an election would be a motivator for the GOP/conservative voters to turn out en mass...we shall see wont we!!!
I understand your point. But I sometimes like to go back through postings at others' blogs.
And I hate the thought that you might take down a posting before I get to read it!
You just can't please 'em...
The Dems are perpetual whiners.
My mother's family was from east Tennessee and used to vote Democratic. A sort of payoff for FDR's TVA Project. But their vote changed later when they saw what the Dem Party really stood for, as Kev mentioned above.
BTW, the TVA Project lost some of its popularity when farmland and family cemeteries were seized (Not all those graves were moved, as TVA stated) and when the price of electricity didn't become such a bargain. All the residents converted to electric-for-everything; then they were stuck with a virtual monopoly and were at the mercy of TVA's whims and the cost of the paying off the debt incurred by TVA.
THAT CARTOON sums it up. But I guess that I'd better not send it to a few friends of mine as they are employed by TVA. ;)
Mr. Beamish,
You might say I hate the Democratic Party and everything it stands for.
Arguably, the Dem Party is worse today than it has been in previous decades. I said ARGUABLY!
Ahhh, your friends won't mind. After all, I'll bet Rosie is still wearing her Wendell Wilkie for President button!
My Rosie avatar "says" a lot. I owe that avatar design to Warren and Mr. Beamish.
Having friends in the blogosphere is wonderful!
BTW, I recall some of my older relatives' mention of Wendell Winkie. In fact, a few family members were named "Wendell."
Yes it is!
ot - I see da French are havin' problems w da yoots again.
Funny how a problem that is miscategorized never seems to get solved...
"Yoots" (My Cousin Vinnie--LOL.
I also have this link to share with you. Excerpt:
A French newspaper reports that last year's nationwide (chiefly Muslim) riots -- which spread like wildfire throughout France, laying waste to dozens of public buildings and businesses and 9,000 cars, trucks, and busses -- cost insurers 160,000,000 Euros (more than US$200,ooo,ooo). $200,000,000 for a nation whose GDP is approximately that of California! That's a huge bill to pay. Maybe it's time to think of such riots -- past, present, and future -- as "Hurricane Mohammed."
The interested insurance companies are holding the government responsible, which is a natural and necessary direction in which to point fingers. A generation and more of a plainly failed immigration policies has saddled France with a predominantly Muslim underclass that appears permanent and permanently unruly. Can the same French government be trusted to transform France's ethnic tinderboxes into anything socially useful? Barely. In the meantime, we know, radical Islam worked wonders on the mind of one of France's native sons. How many more is it working on right now? Who in the end will save France from its demographic rot (and in turn save the rest of the West from this French rot)?...
While the "youth" problems in France are particularly virulent at the moment, similar incidents have been happening elsewhere in Europe. I've also seen mention of Brussels.
The effects of parasitic cultures on civilized ones can be quite disturbing. The German's attempted a traditional delousing once in the past of something they viewed as a parasite. I'm afraid that the EPA would frown upon such methods today. Some form of Maltheusian containment would be more appropriate, but I'm afraid the world has become a smaller place.
Me, I'd simply prefer to jam the signal at the source. With something transformative... something that originates from within. How. That's the question.
One thought is to degrade the signal from the transmitter by degrading its' transponders. We then need new stations that transmit on similar frequencies, but eventually become more agile, and utilize frequency hopping in addition to raw transmitter power to eventually drown out the original sources.
Of course the doing is more difficult than the saying at this point. We don't want this to interfere with our own transmission signals.
Of course the doing is more difficult than the saying at this point. We don't want this to interfere with our own transmission signals.
The perpetual conundrum of a free society!
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