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Regular readers of this blog have recently been enjoying a new commenter here: "Anonymous," whose trademark is "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You MORON!" Scroll down to enjoy a visual representation of what Anonymous has been doing.
Spew alert! Set down any beverage you have in your hand and swallow first.
Wait for it. Keep scrolling.

Mr. Ducky has mentioned that I don't have a sense of humor. What say you, readers?
Nicely done!
Unfortunately, Mr. Ducky seems to keep talking, even when he's spanked repeatedly with facts.
Ducky's sense of humor is perverted, so what does he know? Not'in! I've known about your sense of humor!
Mr. Ducky is obviously a ventriloquist. Who else could talk with their hand sand bill taped? Well, maybe an Italian Duck could.... bwahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
i will resume dying laughing now - hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
no, really - hahahahahahahahahaha!!!
absotively without comparison!!!
and, whoever said you have no sense of humor? let me at them!
My dear friend Mustang emailed me the image when we were discussing the uses of duct tape. Of course, I HAD to save it. And with the new back medication which I just started last night, I was in a mood to post something cute. I'm feeling a bit euphoric this morning, but that effect will probably wear off before noon.
well, i can think of no better use for duct tape! actually, i can and may address it at a later date. it's one of those true things that only happen to me. perhaps i'll e-mail about it sometime. as soon as i recover from this!
Ever heard of using duct tape to cure warts?
A different orifice?
See above comment to Orge.
All my Italian friends talk with their hands.
I have a dry sense of humor. Sarcasm is sometimes my downfall.
We’re seeing a whole other side of you …
Of course, your kindness still shows through; picture what Beamish would have done.
i bit the only wart i ever had off and spit it out when i was six - bled like a stuck pig - but guess it may have taught any other warts what was in store for them if they lit on me!
my mother swears by the duckt tape to wart thing though.
do you ever watch the "red green" show? talk about some funny duckt tape adventures!
you feelin' funny today, aow?
We’re seeing a whole other side of you …
I usually quite serious, but I do have another side. Just ask any of my students. LOL.
Of course, your kindness still shows through; picture what Beamish would have done.
I well remember Renoir Duck! If anyone here hasn't seen Renoir Duck, click on the link. Spew alert!
My alltime Beamish favorite is tough to determine, but I love THIS, THIS, and An American Kafir's Guide to Handling the Koran. I highly recommend those last three links.
"Red Green Show"? I'm not familiar with it.
Am I feeling funny? Well, I took the first dose of the new medication at bedtime last night. The ortho warned me that I'd have a hangover in the morning. He was right! I had to stagger to the coffee pot. The cats were wide-eyed because I'm not much of a drinker (to say the least). The obviously thought that I was very sick, and I was shadowed by three felines all the way to the kitchen.
But the side effect is a small price to pay if this medication works and calms down the weird sensations in my leg and foot, as well as the pain in my lower back.
Hey, Duck! I was hoping you'd stop by to see "Duck Tape." Do I detect a smile on your bill?
I don't have a clue as to how to do original graphics nor how to doctor up the graphics which I have on file.
Oh, shut the duck up!!!
Don't let anyone tell you you have no sense of humor.
you cannot have it all, plucky - where on earth would you keep it? i'm sure there's a great impression under the tape!
Beautiful!!! I love it! And yes, thank you AOW for the "spew alert". Much needed.
I will continue my request of Ducky that he start his OWN blog. He obviously already spends the time online writing and spewing his political views, so why not on his OWN BLOG??
Come on Ducky, DO IT!! DO IT! DO IT!
Pim's Ghost,
I will continue my request of Ducky that he start his OWN blog.
Yes, please, Mr. Ducky. I might even blogroll you--under a special category. And I won't give that special category an ugly name. Hmmmmm....Let's see. What to call that category? Ideas, anyone?
And just think, Duck! You could share some of your views about filmography. You and I have had some excellent discussions in that regard. Seriously.
Mad Zionist,
-That is fun.
Isn't it, though?
AOW, I hope you don't mind; I copied the Duck Tape picture. I gave it a file name of "Mr Ducky".
Ducky could always title his blog; "Duck's Take - I Support the 101st". Or perhaps, "Mr. Ducky - Master Baiter of the Illogical Argument."
Old Soldier,
I hope you don't mind; I copied the Duck Tape picture.
No problem. Have fun with it!
he's a dummy. But, you have to give him credit, he does come back and argue any point, even if there is no basis for his argument.
I had a dog once that would try to run out the screen door every time I opened it.
Well, you probably know how door closer slows down the closing of the door, but as they get older they come in fast, then bounce back out, in, out, in, out, then finally close.
My dog would wait until I let the door go, and on it's first bounce back out, he'd try to escape out. But then the door would close back down again, just after his head was through.
So you have my dog, sitting with his head outside, and his body inside, caught in quite the prediciment. Lucky for him, the door would occasionally bounce back open a litte, and with enough effort, he could get back inside.
The thing about it that always amazed me was that no matter how many times I would turn around to see his poor face looking at me from his captivity of screen door and door frame... He'd do it over and over, never learning.
Just thought that might an interesting story to tell, no symbolism meant at all. ;)
What a wonderful story! And in the tradition of Aesop, too.
I truly don't know why Duck hangs out here at my blog. And--gasp!--he and I have had a few excellent discussions, particularly about movies (as I mentioned in a previous comment to this thread).
Also, you have to give him credit, he does come back and argue any point, even if there is no basis for his argument.
I give him credit for that.
He also took this posting in good humor. I give him credit for that as well.
aow - if you haven't seen it yet - even orangeducks is getting in on the festivities at madze's! this may catch on - yeehaw!
I vote for Ducky to adopt this as a new avatar! Too funny!
AOW: You MUST check out Red Green. It is usually on PBS Friday and/or Saturday evening. You could rent it; if your local video store doesn't have it, you can purchase it pretty cheaply.
Very tasteful!!
I had heard about duck tape, but, never before have I actually SEEN it in use!!!
But, you have to give him [Ducky]credit, he does come back and argue any point, even if there is no basis for his argument.
Not always. He once lept into the meat grinder of trying to pretend Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were right-wing on my blog, and was going to prove this to me. I barely even tapped my refuting ammo stores that demonstrate, quite undeniably, the left-wingedness of Hitler and the Nazis when he ran for the nearest, fastest, and longest exit (he barely visits or comments anymore).
If it weren't my scientific opinion that leftists are incapable of rational thought, I might be convinced that Ducky doesn't want to be taken seriously at all.
Oh and by the way, on the matter of your sense of humor, you seem to find me funny, so you're probably fairly sick in the head. But in a good way. ;-P
ROTFALMAO! Good one, AOW! Duct Tape on a Duck... how absolutely appropriate! :)
One has to have a sense of humor to appreciate your sense of humor.
I've been hoping you would stop by. I just KNEW you'd love the little photo.
Mr. Beamish,
the matter of your sense of humor, you seem to find me funny, so you're probably fairly sick in the head. But in a good way. ;-P
And it is not only I who finds you funny. One particular homeschooler and his mother are Beamish fans too.
I vote for Ducky to adopt this as a new avatar!
What an excellent idea!
I've often thought that Mr. Ducky needs a duck as his avatar. This rendition would be perfect.
I'll have to stop by MZ's.
I thought the picture was appropriate. Funny, huh?
Mr. Beamish,
"Terminally stupid"? That's an option.
Missing Link,
A sense of humor requires interaction between particular portions of the brain. Some people just don't have those portions functioning.
Elmer is stll the champion at upseting John Brown. Brown does get mad if you go into Coulter mode. He is upset because I suggested that we make South Lebanon a classic commie state. After liberation via starvation, democides and boat people there will be nobody left.
Ducky is the man of 1001 idiotic quirks. Among his oddest is a pathological disdain for Renoir. We can also add his loathing of Charlton Heston films. Lets see why does the Duck think Ben Hur is over rated.
Wow it feels theraputic.
Ducky has been visiting Weasies site for anti semites.
Most definitely therapeutic.
And convenient to type in as well.
Ducky is the man of 1001 idiotic quirks.
One more than Lon Chaney, "the man with 1000 faces."
I've seen how Elmer's Bro enrages Stain. I've got a few theories as to why, but I'm too tired right now to go into those theories. Maybe tomorrow.
MR Sucky Duckys views:
1. Israel has now discovered that it couldn't take out Hezbollah by air power alone. That was their intent and don't believe that Iran has not noted this weakness.
Israel already knew that or would already have tried tp take out Iran's nuclear installations. They also would not have taken any time to mobilise more men, reposition units, or make plans for the current ground incursions. Did the US try to drop units into Baghdad on the first day of war??
2. Ground fighting ain't going to cut it. Israel has already lost once there and the country is risk averse. They have problems.
Israel has lost nothing but individual engagements in Lebanon. You are suck a lying sack of commie with this one!!! Israel beat the IslamoNazis senseless before and will this time!!!!
3. Israel wants to find a sucker who will put forces on the ground and clean up their mess. Gonna be tough. Australia had a handful of people in Lebanon and they came out after that stupid stunt of bombing the U.N. post. Never think that Israel can't get ham fisted and screw up an operation.
Again you refuse to tap into reality. UNIFIL has been allowing Hizhullah to shelter around UN posts just like LEFTIES HERE complain about us not following the Geneva Chains but never say anything about our adversaries torturing captives and hiding within civilian areas, schools, religious buildings... Israel had no illusions that the UN or the rest of the world would want to rush in. That's why they actually thought they would get time to actually START a ground incursion!!!
Where are all the brave Pacifists who are going to stand between the IslamoNazis, who will kill non-combatants without hesitation, and the Israeli military, who apparently aren't quite as scrupulous about allowing themselves to be slaughtered by IslamoNazis hiding behind babies and useless UN Peacekeepers, as they used to be???
4. They are going to ask Uncle Sucker to do the job and the American people probably aren't going to fall for it this time.
I don't know why they would ask Uncle Sucker (apparently the chickenhawk who turned you) for anything. The only thing they are asking the US for is expedited delivery of weapons on order!!! We are complying, thank you.
5. Hezbollah becomes stronger over time and we can look forward to repeating this stupidity.
Well, we have Hamas, Nasrallah, and yesterday Ahmadinejad whining for a cease fire to save some of their Billions of dollars invested in training, equipment, and infrastructure. Yup, Hizbullah will get stronger. Stringer then the MUCH REDUCED level they will be left at when this is over!!! They will go back to hitting soft targets internationally and get hunted down by security services internationally!!!
Now, if you can get by your, "the Israelis are attacking Civilians, UNIFIL and BABIES and the all powerful IslamoNazis will wipe the Israelis from the face of the earth and seriously hurt anyone who gets in the way" we might be able to argue this!!!
You MORON!!!!
It is interesting how JoBro supports Islamists and Ducky pretends to not support them. Yet he supports them on almost every line item.
The difference is that Ducky is a bit smarter than JoBro, but in the end he campaigns against his own liberal values by giving his tacit support for Hezbollah and other terrorists.
I cant remember one post where Ducky denounced terrorism without denouncing the US, Israel or using some other bogus "balancing" statement. That doesnt mean there isnt one, but I'll be damned if I've seen one and I have read many of his comments.
Yet, I can dig up endless comments where he denounces the US and Israel, but not terrorism.
Thats the bottom line...
If you cant think of how to reply then just post another resistance report like you did before.
Peace brother
Freedom Now,
Ducky is a bit smarter than JoBro, but in the end he campaigns against his own liberal values by giving his tacit support for Hezbollah and other terrorists....I can dig up endless comments where he denounces the US and Israel, but not terrorism.
I've noticed the latter. Of late, though, I've noticed Duck saying that terrorists must be stopped. His plan for that? I'm not clear on the plan, if any.
Duck is definitely smarter that The Stain. And Duck posts comments related to the topic. Hence, he is welcome to comment here, even if we do bash him around a bit. Duck has been known to bash me--not so much here but at other blogs. I forgive him because any of us can get all wound up. Lately, I haven't noticed any AOW-bashing, but I might have missed it. I've been off blog rounds lately.
I love his propaganda that Israel cant handle Hezbollah militarily. Israel can beat Hezbollah in any fight that it chooses. Fair or unfair. Show me just one occasion when Hezbollah defeated Israel in any engagement larger than a small unit action.
Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon to comply with the UN Security Council Resolution 1559, which "calls upon all remaining foreign forces to withdraw from Lebanon" and "for the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias."
The aim of this resolution was three fold. To get Israel to withdraw (which they did), to get Syria to withdraw (which they didnt) and to get Hezbollah to disband (which they didnt).
Politically it seemed to be a smart move on Israel's part. Syria withdraws from Lebanon and Hezbollah disbands.
Unfortunately, Israel miscalculated the willingness of Syria and Hezbollah to defy the resolution. If it wasnt for Syria's own miscalculations they would still be in Lebanon today after almost 20 years of defiance against the Taif Agreement.
Furthermore, whenever Israel makes a move for peace, Islamists and Leftists condemn or belittle Israel. It is no small wonder that Israel is not interested in being a sucker anymore.
Freedom Now,
Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon to comply with the UN Security Council Resolution 1559, which "calls upon all remaining foreign forces to withdraw from Lebanon" and "for the disbanding and disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias."
The aim of this resolution was three fold. To get Israel to withdraw (which they did), to get Syria to withdraw (which they didnt) and to get Hezbollah to disband (which they didnt).
And that resolution gets short shrift in most discussions. Thank you for reminding us.
More on Hezbollah using human shields:
The words of a Canadian United Nations observer written just days before he was killed in an Israeli bombing of a UN post in Lebanon are evidence Hezbollah was using the post as a "shield" to fire rockets into Israel, says a former UN commander in Bosnia.
Those words, written in an e-mail dated just nine days ago, offer a possible explanation as to why the post -- which according to UN officials was clearly marked and known to Israeli forces -- was hit by Israel on Tuesday night, said retired Maj.-Gen. Lewis MacKenzie yesterday.
The strike hit the UN observation post in the southern Lebanese village of El Khiam, killing Canadian Maj. Paeta Hess-von Kruedener and three others serving as unarmed UN military observers in the area.
Just last week, Maj. Hess-von Kruedener wrote an e-mail about his experiences after nine months in the area, words Maj.-Gen. MacKenzie said are an obvious allusion to Hezbollah tactics....
Read it all!
Heheheheeee! :D
Duck keeps coming back for more kicking. Could it me that he doesn't know that he's been kicked?
It's hard to tell when you have been kicked in the head when it is protected by your buttocks!!!
It's hard to tell when you have been kicked in the head when it is protected by your buttocks!!!.
Bwhahahahaha! I'll sleep well tonight, thanks to that excellent comment. Laughter helps me to relax.
Meh Overrated. Keep doing what you do.
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