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"Apparently there is nothing that cannot happen today." —Mark Twain
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I must admit it was my first time at Laura Mansfield's blog.
Great blog.
Thanks AOW
Missing Link,
I learned of Laura Mansfield at the Symposium. I vaguely knew the name, of course, but she was present; now I'm more aware of her.
Ms. Mansfield is fluent in Arabic. What a resource!
that little u.n. person drinking kofi is killer! this is so apropos. it is too late to die laughing so i'll finish up in the morning! i want to be awake when i do it...
It seems that the Qana massacre may have been staged. Front Page Magazine has an article by Robert Spencer on the subject. Rush Limbaugh spoke about it yesterday.
What a way to go! LOL.
I'll have to check out that FPM story. I've seen several blogs mention the possible staging of Qana.
I'm not a radio person, so I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh.
Poke, poke, poke is right! The hornets are starting to get irritated! buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
Good morning and G*D bless!
I just couldn't resist those animated graphics. LOL.
Cute cartoon.
I asked a co-worker about his Egyptian neighbors in Long Island City, Queens. He told me that they were all rallying behind Hezbollah. Once again, Sunnis will back Shiites (who they hate) if Jews are involved.
There is a part of Queens, New York that has a sizable Egyptian community. It is on Steinway Street (yes, named after the piano factory) near Astoria Blvd. It’s odd driving through the old neighborhood (I used to live there) and see men walking around dressed in nightgowns like it was Kuwait or Medina. All with angry faces and some bearded ones look like Osama clones. My co-worker tells me they try to stare you down on the street but he avoids conflicts and turns away.
After 9/11 I heard, from two sources, but never had time to confirm that when the WTC was struck they were dancing in the streets. According to my sources, a group of Americans (of Italian ancestry) didn’t take to kindly to the display and beat the hell out of the celebrants. In any case, their numbers have grown and they’ve become more concentrated in that little area.
It’s clear that when push comes to shove you can be sure that all but a few will join their Muslim brothers no matter how unjust the cause or how much they normally hate the other Muslim groups.
Sunnis will back Shiites (who they hate) if Jews are involved....It’s clear that when push comes to shove you can be sure that all but a few will join their Muslim brothers no matter how unjust the cause or how much they normally hate the other Muslim groups.
Dr. Walid Phares pointed that out at the Symposium on April 28. And he should know! He's fluent in Arabic and visits certain chatrooms all the time.
Patai's book The Arab Mind, which you and I both know pretty well, makes a similar point--not about terrorist groups, per se.
I wouldn't doubt those fellows were dancing in the street on 9/11. Nothing like that happened here in the D.C. area, but we don't have gun laws in the suburbs.
Patai’s book continues to come to mind. Just the other day I was talking to a Colonel in the Marines. As we were talking he realized I know things about Iraqis that he learned the hard way. He was surprised. It’s a shame he didn’t read Patai. Learning from experience is fine but being prepared saves so much time. So far I haven’t found much to contradict Patai.
LOL! That cartoon is great; a nice bit of levity in a bad situation.
I've had a similar experience with people from many different walks--military, Muslims, clients, etc.
The subject is a serious one, but I couldn't resist a little visual humor.
Priceless! Dead on, too! Thanks, AOW! I grabbed it! Heheheee!
Glad that you grabbed it. As I see blogging, it's not about getting credit. It's about the distribution of information.
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