Youth Training, The Koran, And Mein Kampf
(All italics and emphases by Always On Watch)
From this source (translated from German to English by Babel Fish):
[Hat-tip to Hodja who posted a link to the above at Infidel Bloggers Alliance]"The radical-Islamic Hisbollah trains in summer camps young people for the activities by force of the group of terror. A German scientist compares its proceeding with the Hitler Youth. The fotografin Alexandra Avakian of the US magazine Time visited such a camp at the Lebanese coast. There the 'aluminium-Mahdi-pathfinders in such a way specified' train each year - the new generation of the group of terror of Hisbollah. Before their tent the boys formed a David star out of stones. Everyone, which would like to enter the tent, must step on this Jewish symbol. According to the Bild newspaper the children crawl by stacheldraht and learn to deal with a high-speed fire rifle.
"The Bonn psychologist and Fanatismus researcher Peter Conzen see parallels to the Hitler Youth: 'it is the same method,' said it in relation to 'picture' 'a hate-fulfilled ideology uses the inspiring ability, the energy of young humans shameless. Children the 'destruction of the enemy' is proper drummed in as the most ambitious goal. 'Like every other totalitarian regime also the Hisbollah in Lebanon pray-reprimands these children around its youth.' The scientist is an author of the book Fanatismus. Psychoanalysis of an Uncanny Phenomenon....
The above information should come as no surprise. Consider the following, which appeared at Infidel Bloggers Alliance on June 1, 2006, and compares the Koran and Mein Kampf:
"Let's start with titles.
"The very title of Herr Hitler's tome means 'My Struggle' in English. One could even entitle this book 'My Jihad' and this Islamic term would have the same precise meaning. 'Kampf' in a Nazi ideological context and 'Jihad' in the Islamic one are almost identical. That in itself goes a long way to explaining why Mein Kampf is still such a best seller in current times all over the Islamic World, including in supposedly 'moderate' Islamic states like Turkey.
"But the similiarities between the Koran and Mein Kampf don't just stop there. Far from it. Fellow blogger and ally Freedom Fighter over at his/her blog Joshua Pundit has come up with an exceptional, enlightning list of how alike Islam and Nazism really are:
"Mein Kampf- States that Germans are the superior race of mankind and that Germany is destined to rule the world, and dominate all other races and nations.
"The Q'uran-States that Islam and Muslims are the superiors of mankind and that Islam is divinely mandated to rule the world and dominate all other races, creeds and nations.
"Mein Kampf-Says that the German State is to have control over every aspect of life. Says all individuals must submit to the State.
"The Q'uran-Says that Islam and Sharia is to have control over every aspect of life. Says all individuals must submit to Islam.
"Mein Kampf-Says that Germans have the duty to claim their divinely appointed place in the world by whatever means necessary. Puts loyalty to the Volk (the race) above all other ethical considerations.
"The Q'uran-Says that Muslims have a duty to wage Jihad and to advance Islam's domination over the world (Dar al Islam and Dar al Harb) by any means necessary. Places loyalty to fellow Muslims (Umma) and Islam above all other ethical considerations.
"Mein Kampf-Mandates that men are superior to women and that women's place should be limited to procreation, the kitchen and the home.
"The Q'uran-Mandates that men are superior to women and that women's place should be limited to procreation, the kitchen and the home. (Admittedly, the Q'uran goes quite a bit farther than Mein Kampf on this topic)
"Mein Kampf-Says that homosexuals are 'race traitors' and should be condemned to death. (Many, in fact were murdered in the concentration camps).
"The Q'uran-Says homosexuals are unholy to Allah and should be condemned to death.
"Mein Kampf-Sets out a detailed model for world conquest, including rules for how conquered peoples are to be suppressed and dominated by the German race. States that the wealth, resources and property of subject peoples belongs to Germans by right and the right to life for subject peoples is dependent on Germans. States that
non-Germans have no legal or civil rights."The Q'uran-Sets out a detailed model for world conquest, including rules for how conquered peoples are to be suppressed and dominated by Muslims. States that the wealth, resources and property of subject peoples belongs to Muslims by right and the right to life for subject peoples is dependent on Muslims. States that non-Muslims have no legal or civil rights. (in truth, a lot of this has its basis in the Hadith and the Sunna, but both derive essentially from what's in the Q'uran, along with all the other aspects of Sharia).
"Mein Kampf-Divides the world into 'German land' and enemy territory. States that land with Germans living in it or land that once had Germans ruling it rightfully belongs to Germany, and Germany is entitled to get it back by any means necessary.
"The Q'uran-Divides the world into 'Dar al Islam' (Muslim ruled land) and enemy territory (Dar al Harb). States that land with Muslims living in it or land that once had Muslims ruling it rightfully belongs to Dar al Islam, and Muslims are entitled to get it back by any means necessary.
"Mein Kampf-Blames the Jews for society's ills and says that they will be exterminated.
"The Q'uran-Blames the Jews for society's ills and says that they will be exterminated. ('On the day of Judgement the rocks and trees will call out 'O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me! Come and slay him!')
The above comparison of Mein Kampf and the Koran gives credence to a term we are now hearing with some frequency: Islamofascism. But is Islamofascism truly a hijacking or a perverson of Islam? The peaceful Meccan verses which many Muslims choose to follow were abrogated by the later militant Medinan verses, especially Sura 9:
"....Kill those who join other gods with Allah wherever you find them; besiege them, seize them, lay in wait for them with every kind of ambush...."(Sura 9:5).Devout Muslims believe that the Koran is the literal word of Allah. As Walid Shoebat pointed out in the film Islam: What the West Needs to Know, "What is it about kill that the West doesn't understand?"
"When you encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads, until ye have made a great slaughter among them...."(Sura 47:4).
"....Make war upon such of those to whom the Scriptures have been given as believe not in Allah, or in the Last Day, and who forbid not what Allah and His Apostle have forbidden....until they pay tribute..." (Sura 9:29).
"Say to the infidels: If they desist, what is now past shall be forgiven them; but if they return, they have already before them the doom of the ancients! Fight then against them till strife be at an end, and the religion be all of it Allah's." (Sura 8:39).
"Proclaim a grievious penalty to those who reject faith." (Sura 9:3).
[Note: I published a portion of the above blog article at Democracy Frontline]
I watched a documentary about Hitler's youth...and now Hezbollah is doing similar things. Extreme Islam is doing this stuff. While we're teaching our kids to read and write and add and subtract, these kids are being taught the virtues of Holy War, Jihad, suicide missions and Allah's word.
Indoctrinating the next's sad that this generation's life exptectancy has got to be very limited.
Yes, the Religion Of Peace.
What can their defenders here in the west be thinking?
I know, you've got a talking duck hereabouts that will read this post and it will roll off his back like the proverbial water, but still...
WHAT can they be thinking!?
Seth- They aren't! That's the point, if they could think they wouldn't be doing this. They teach their children to "submit", thinking involves critical looks at everything! That's the last thing they want, questions!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
On Watch,
Great post... (Yours always are)!!
Ditto Merry Widows's "Maranatha"
BookWorm recently touched on the same subject in her post on "Israel United"...
There seems to be a Nazi-like trend in this country and the world which not only threatens Israel but Christians as well.
Here is an excerpt from my comment #4 on her post.
The Magazine “Israel My Glory” (IMG) reports that the left is becoming more anti-Israel than ever. The IMG reports that two liberal professors, Walt and Mearshiemer (Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government) have released an inflammatory smear work “The Israel Lobby” accusing a conspiracy of Israel and American groups of so strongly manipulating US policies that “America has become a virtual puppet of Israeli interests.”
This supposed conspiratorial “lobby” mentioned by Walt and Mearscheimer is identified by Caroline Glick in the Jerusalem Post as AIPAC, the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish American organizations and especially Pro-Israel Evangelical Christians.
The Magazine IMG likens the Left’s smear campaign against Christians and Jews to the Nazi propaganda in the ’30s and is reminiscent of the conspiratorial nature of the slanderous book “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”
The elite left is obviously virulently anti-Jewish and anti-Christian.
Look out Israel, Jews and Christians if the Left succeeds in November and in 2008.
Keep up the great work.
ExP (Jack)
And Mike Wallace finds Ahmadinejad an interesting fellow!
I've stated several times that I thought the Koran should be banned as hate speech.
I've heard from several sources that swastikas has been painted or flying on flags throughout southern Lebanon. This is also very common in Palestinian controlled areas.
Why is it that so many Western media sources compare Israel to Nazi tactics when clearly it is Islamic countries and organizations that idolize and imitate Hitler's tactics?
I'm not surprised, just shaken. There is a contingent of people that realize the realities of this situation, and another contingent that dont. Those that dont viciously ignore anything that would shed light on the situation, and those that do sit in wait for the event that will change their minds.
Another strange thing: Parts of 'Mein Kampf' is directly based on world-famous norwegian author Henrik Ibsen's books:
It should be stressed, that Ibsen did not like demagouges and dictators, the problem was, that he wrote so well, that Hitler used his writings.
Clearly we must approach islam the same way the Brits approached nazism under Chamberain: Appease! Appease! Concessions! Good will gestures!
My stepmother, who was born in Germany and escaped to the US during WWII, used to sit around reading "Mein Kampf"! Can you even imagine? She never believed that 6,000,000 Jewish people were killed by Hitler. I had to listen to her talk about how much good Hitler did in Germany, like building the Autobahn! Sheesh! I wanted to ask her if she loved it so much why didn't she stay there, but I kept my thoughts to myself because I was only a kid and had learned to respect my elders, no matter how nutso they were!
Sorry, there were a lot of fascists that didn't and DON't get anywhere near the insanity of the NAZIS.
I have read recently that Hitler was probably influenced by Islam in his thinking. It would seem obvious the more we learn about them both.
Yeah, that's why I wrote that tiny post at IBA on this. I know the similarities all to well and can deduce easily just what muslims might be getting out of this book. But as everything in the middle east naturally comes with a local spin, I really want to know what they're REALLY getting out of Mein Kampf. Approval of their own ideals, or is there more than that? Back to interviewing Muslims I guess.
Another point is that scholars (Muslim ones as well as others) recognize abrogation of verses. Apologists claim not to and always quote the earlier verses. But what's the real skinny here? How widely is abrogation recognized? I know it is ignored by many converts in the West who don't want to identify with the violence of the Meccan suras. But then that's what you get from the newer "ROPers".
Great post AOW!
It's a shame that so many of these parallels to past evils are simply ignored by the lamestream media and those who suffer from moral equivalence disease.
If Western society is blinding itself to the reality of our enemy, how can we possibly be effective in defeating it?
ExP- So you're an IMG fan? Yes, they do tell it, have you seen the latest about the 7 churches and thesynagogue of satan? Excellent reviews of what we're facing in the spiritual and physical! With what we have been facing at the church I attend...very realistic!
Humanity doesn't seem to be learning anything! But by rejecting G*D they have rejected "common" sense, logic, facts and especially truth!
Merry Widdow --
Clarification: I already have a good idea what the bad guys & their trainees are thinking, LOL.
I was referring, both times, to wondering what the %#!! the apologists, supporters and other western naysayers are thinking when they are confronted with all the facts about terrorism and still support, ignore or excuse it.
My reply comes a bit late as i work nights and went to bed shortly after leaving my comment.
I think Mussolini's comment above pretty well sums up my own thoughts.
What these boneheaded excusers of Islam's transgressions (I'm being realll polite in using that term, only because I only recently woke up and the cawfee's still brewing) fail to grasp is that this is ostensibly a one-shot deal: If we don't take the threat seriously enough to address it now and the Islamofascists are allowed to win their war against mankind and impose their will on the rest of humanity, there will not likely be an option to then wake up and deal with it. It will be too late.
Mike's America:
lamestream media, LSM
I love it. Can we use it??
Merry Widow,
Yes, I do subscribe to Israel My Glory magazine, (IMG)
The articles on the Seven Churches of this final Church Age are very ibteresting and graphic.
The book of Revelation is one my favorite books in the Bible from which I used to preach. It awakened folks from their disease of "Lazzzzzzziness."
This all applies to my posts, your posts and this great post of Always On Watch. Great stuff.
Drop by and visit us. Maranatha!!
ExP (Jack)
The indoctrination of the youth by Hezbollah and others ensures this war goes beyond one generation. When we felled Hitler’s army, we felled Hitler's Germany; a country, a government. How do we go about felling a pan-national radical religion?
Don't get me wrong; I certainly subscribe to administering overwhelming force where it applies. But how long do we continue to take out pockets before we realize that we are only treating symptoms not the disease? When we finally wake up to what the disease is, will we be able to restrain ourselves to a rational response?
It seems abundantly clear to be that nationally we face a clear and present danger; yet there are those among us who refuse to recognize that danger. They prefer to focus inward and blame our successes and our might as being the root of all evil in the rest of the world. I do not blame myself for my neighbor’s low standard of living – why would I blame America for radical Islam’s view of us? But that is being objective, isn’t it; and liberalism today is based purely on subjectivity.
On the other webbed foot, we could attack the TRANSMISSION of the disease.
Why should the teachings of a RELIGION, especially one that gets support from the government, be CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC!!!
Let's end this ridiculous right of privacy that overides every REASONABLE effort to stop the indoctrination of people into a violent sect that has the overthrow of ALL current governments with its own ideas ridding the world of the US experiment in self government.
People, preaching the VIOLENT overthrow of the US Government IS NOT PROTECTED BY THE CONSTITUTION. Collaborating with these people and contributing to them is not protected speech or rights either.
A human or organisation that refuses to protect itself from violence will not be free or even ALIVE for long!!!
Little Che Sucky Ducky,
you keep talking like Northern Ireland is pacified and everyone is happy now.
San Francisco has a rather large population of expat Irish, some of whom I know.
It ain't over till people stop hating.
You MORON!!!!
Oh and Little Che Sucky Ducky,
they TRIED to deal with that nascent government in Lebanon for 6 years. Exactly how long do you wait while the enemy builds their forces and picks off your people while the negotiations do nothing but give COVER FOR THE AGGRESSION???
You and Kerry must have come from the same nest!!! Too bad Cheney missed your parents!!!!
ExP- I just might do that, thanks! as a widow with 2 teens I'm homeschooling...time? I don't go to very many sites, but a good Christian one? Yeah, I'll head over!
After watching Obsession..what more can one add?..Excellent post..riveting and frightening!
One doesn't deal with genocidal terrorist one kills them. I would add similar treatment for Communists. One does not negotiate with homicidal nuts if they wish to meet Allah that is fine but we will handle the travel arrangements.
actually, right NOW would be an excellent time for Israel to negotiate with the IslamoNazis.
They can get there, argue about the size and shape and material of the table. What kind of refreshments will be available. What hours to negotiate. What days to show up. Who will sit where...
Yeah, I figure they could stretch these negotiations out for a several years while they slowly work their way through Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Pakistan...
anonymous... feel free to use "lamestream media."
I stole it from Razor Sharp Claws who probably got it from someone else.
Mr. Ducky:
The critical difference between Hezbollah and Sinn Fein makes a comparison a bit disingenuous.
Sinn Fein advocates the reunification of the six counties with the Republic of Ireland. It does NOT advocate the destruction of England.
It will be most regretable should the Islamo-fascists decide to spread their insanity to Ireland.
And Another Thing,
I've read on a UK blog about the push in Scotland not to allow open-air beer gardens because they offend Muslims. I wonder if something similar is going on in Ireland.
Thanks for the clarification about Hezbollah and Sinn Fein. I was busy yesterday: seeing the movie World Trade Center and "recovering" from seeing it. The movie drained me, so I had to take a long nap in the afternoon.
Obsession is no longer available at Google video. I just found out this morning, via a commenter to that posting.
One doesn't deal with genocidal terrorist one kills them. I would add similar treatment for Communists. One does not negotiate with homicidal nuts if they wish to meet Allah that is fine but we will handle the travel arrangements.
The moment I got totally disgusted with John Kerry--when he stated he wanted to sit down and talk with OBL. OBL is not interested in talking, except possibly for a hudna.
Brainwashed or not, islamofascists need killing.
It's the only way, isn't it?
I figure they could stretch these negotiations out for a several years while they slowly work their way through Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Pakistan...
Interesting idea, but I don't think that Hezbollah will come to the table and, at the same time, stop the mayhem.
in the case of lebanon there was there any reason to handle it much differnetly than England handled Sien Fein?
You're smart enough to tsee the difference, right?
Old Soldier,
How do we go about felling a pan-national radical religion?
[B]ut how long do we continue to take out pockets before we realize that we are only treating symptoms not the disease?
For one thing, we stop the talking-heads from refusing to name the problem--the very tenets of Islam pose a problem. And when CAIR issues its "Whine-o-gram" (a little term I found over at Sixth Column, we don't let CAIR get away with saying that the Koran doesn't condone terrorism. It does! Also, the mosques and other Muslim groups should be bugged; that's a crucial step, IMO. Freedom of religion does not apply to those trying or conspiring to murder us.
When we finally wake up to what the disease is, will we be able to restrain ourselves to a rational response?
The situation will get very ugly here in America, where individuals are armed. The failure of Muslims to name names when they issue their statements of "I'm shocked that ____________" and "This isn't Islamic" and "My imam doesn't teach terror" [when evidence proves to the contrary]--all these are adding to the frustration of individuals who see through the pc garbage perpetrated by the lamestream media, and even some media not mainstream.
I heard this morning on the news that some Muslims are objecting to the term "Islamic fascists." Even the so-called moderates don't make a differentiation between radicals and moderates. Why does the West continue to try to create that differentiation?
I'll pose this question: If there are not moderate Nazis, can there be moderate Muslims?
The moderate Muslims, if they exist, are not separating themselves from the radicals. They are worshipping in the same mosques, and very very few come forward to turn in the radicals. Yesterday, there was a lot of speculation that the bust of the plane-bombers was due to a Muslim who had turned in the jihadimaniacs. Now we're hearing a different story--about a British intelligence agent's having infiltrated the organization.
I like anon's commnet:
They can get there, argue about the size and shape and material of the table. What kind of refreshments will be available. What hours to negotiate. What days to show up. Who will sit where...
Yeah, I figure they could stretch these negotiations out for a several years while they slowly work their way through Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Pakistan...
That is probably the most logical thing I've heard yet, as it is simply turning the tide around on those like Iran and Syria who use UN "talks" as cover to keep up the activity they are "talking" about.
Using the U.N. as a delaying tactic doesn't seem to be a concept which the United States has caught onto. Of course, other nations have no objections to doing so.
actually, right NOW would be an excellent time for Israel to negotiate with the IslamoNazis.
I just heard on the news that "a truce is very, very near." We'll see if Hezbollah will abide by such a truce. I don't think so.
ExP, You referred to their disease of "Lazzzzzzziness."
I call that "ostriching."
If we don't take the threat seriously enough to address it now and the Islamofascists are allowed to win their war against mankind and impose their will on the rest of humanity, there will not likely be an option to then wake up and deal with it. It will be too late.
Here's what gets me....The msm are acting shocked that the plane-bombers busted yesterday are British-born.
As I thought would happen, the movie Obsession has now disappeared from Google videos. So I thought I'd put some of the information into "print."
Clearly we must approach islam the same way the Brits approached nazism under Chamberain: Appease! Appease! Concessions! Good will gestures!
The same approach is with us today. Suicidal, IMO.
Indoctrinating the next generation...
Yes. This "war" isn't going away in my lifetime.
Islam is angry because the UK didn't assimilate them? HAHAHA! That is one of the biggest loads of crap, EVER!
Islam does not assimilate. *NERD ALERT* I would even go so far as to dip into the Star Trek well and compare them to the Borg.
THEY are the ones who assimilate other's lands, resources and even populations into their own. Anyone who resists will be destroyed. No room for debate, no room for compromise.
As for Obsession no longer being available through Google... I can't say I'm surprised. Musn't offend those Moooslims, you know.
AOW --
The MSM are obviously living in their own private Idaho.
They refuse to wake up to the fact that "radical" Islam doesn't only belong to Muslims in the Mid-East, but to followers of the Koran everywhere. I use quotes on radical because when you get right down to it, those critters all follow the same book and for me, the jury's still out on whether or not that affable, easygoing, peaceful Muslim who lives down the street will turn jihadi when called upon to do so.
Unlike our govt and the Brits, I am not all that trusting of a religion that claims peaceful intent while its minions butcher innocent people and threaten my country and the citizens within.
I am building a bunker complete with HDTV etc. First one to bring the beer gets a spot.
AOW, those questions were meant to provoke Muslim apologists to think about what our nation could face one day if we don’t adequately address the clear and present danger of today.
You’re absolutely right; Americans are armed to the teeth. In my arsenal, I have a rifle that can reach out and touch someone a mile away and a pistol that will take a grown man off his feet inside 100 meters. I am very skilled with both. There are many more like me in this country. The Muslims do not want us overreacting to their inability to control themselves and their brethren. The refusal of Muslims to assimilate into this country places them at great risk should pandemonium break out. I’m not predicting nor am I advocating doom and gloom, but I will not shy away from possibilities and potentials.
CAIR, isn’t that the English translation of taqiyya?
Hey, if you can ostracize the Islamofascists for good reasons... then perhaps there were good reasons why other groups had been ostracized in the past. That kinda thinking would destroy the whole progressive grand narrative of western civ bad...
Forty (+) years of revisionist history would have to get flushed down the tubes
In defense of Neville Chamberlain...he knew that England was unprepared for war with Germany. His appeasement policies, although flawed, were to give England time to get ready. Chamberlain had tried previously(1937) to raise taxes for defense spending and was called a warmonger by the Labor Party headed by a man named Churchill.
History has been very unkind to Mr. Chamberlain.
I know about that defense of Chamberlain. I'm not sure, however, that I completely buy the defense. In part, yes. But a man of honor would have made a public display by stepping down from his position, in a very public way.
Now, how kind will history be to today's dhimmi leaders? I guess that depends on who's writing the history texts.
Farmer John,
You have an avatar??? Welcome to full-fledged membership in the exciting world of the blogosphere!
Forty (+) years of revisionist history would have to get flushed down the tubes
Ooh! I'd love that to happen. :)
Old Soldier,
I know the intent of your questions, but I just couldn't resist a bit of a rant. But truth be told, I'm more worried at this point by the Islamification of our country and by the even greated Islamification of Europe.
A few more generations of revisionist history and pc/multiculti, and the majority of Americans might not be able to comprehend what's happening.
Second Amendment rights--how important they are for our personal and political freedom! I take those rights seriously, on a personal level, just as you do.
CAIR, isn’t that the English translation of taqiyya?
No doubt! I just posted on CAIR a few minutes ago. And whose voice do I hear just after I posted? Ibrahim Hooper's!
Elmer's Brother,
I don't drink beer. You can have my share if my husband and I can join you and your family in the bunker.
Islam is angry because the UK didn't assimilate them? HAHAHA! That is one of the biggest loads of crap, EVER!
Islam does not assimilate. *NERD ALERT* I would even go so far as to dip into the Star Trek well and compare them to the Borg.
Great comment! But I swear that I was hearing the whining that the West won't allow Muslims to assimilate. To the interviewer's credit this morning, she didn't let that one pass unchallenged.
AoW- Got a chance to introduce myself to ExP, he and his wife are sweeties! Yes, I called and we had a very good conversation! They even know people in my area, sooooo, maybe next year I'll get to meet them in person. I'll enjoy that!
Good evening and G*D bless!
Horse pucky.
Chamberlain was an incompetent boob, waving the Munich Agreement around as a prize as much as Bill Clinton waved around the Agreed Framework nuclear treaty with North Korea. "We've got a piece of paper that said you wouldn't kill us..."
The lessons of Neville Chamberlain are two-fold.
1.) Anyone can make an agreement in bad faith, and
2.) Sometimes "Conservatives" ain't.
Well, that last post was in response to the "defense of Chamberlain" tangent that AC brought up.
Ducky, on the other hand demonstrates little if any understanding of the world outside his DVD player, and attempting meaningful communication with him on the topic of Middle Eastern geopolitics and military capabilities would be an exercise in futility.
Did anyone claiming Chamberlain was playing for time ever do the legwork to try and PROVE he actually attempted to INCREASE MILITARY READINESS??
I am not up on the subject, but, don't remember any claims of that.
I'm not up on the subject of Neville Chamberlain. But I think I know who is--Mark Alexander, one of my blogger friends in the UK. I'll check with him.
ya figure Little Che Sucky is so dumb and dead that he doesn't even realise he is being b!tch slapped with a STEEL BASEBALL BAT???
Maybe he likes it???
Mark let me know that he has heard nothing of Chamberlain's trying to raise taxes to rearm the UK. Any links to show otherwise? I'm always wary of revisionist history.
I've stated several times that I thought the Koran should be banned as hate speech.
I've heard from several sources that swastikas has been painted or flying on flags throughout southern Lebanon. This is also very common in Palestinian controlled areas.
The movie Obsession makes the link quite clear. Hitler and the Grand Mufti had connections.
I believe Chamberlain was too busy with the whole "Treaty of Versailles was too harsh on Germany" sympathy vibe, even as Churchill was raving to anyone who would listen (which were far too few in number) that the rise of Nazis would lead to no good at all.
Then again, Churchill was a student of history, and Chamberlain was a bird watcher.
Mr. Beamish,
Then again, Churchill was a student of history, and Chamberlain was a bird watcher.
Literally on that second part?
when you have been living on the backs of the peasants for generations, ya gotta find IMPORTANT things to do!!!
Like Bird Watching!!
I wonder what kinds of birds Chamberlain was watching. "Bird" means "woman" in UK slang. Hehehe. (I'm in a quirky mood today)
Here are a couple other interesting points about this Conservative:
(from Wikipedia)
"Another prominent piece of legislation was the Widows, Orphans, and Old Age Pensions Act 1925, which did much to foster the development of the embryonic Welfare State in Britain."
Also was interested in Horticulture and angling.
"As Chancellor, Chamberlain hoped to introduce protective tariffs,..."
In defence of him he did introduce Rationalisation which improved Britains manufacturing base. Against this he advanced social policies that took money away from the economy which helped to cause the monetary problems.
I think we have to remember that just because someone is called Conservative, or is a member of a Conservative party, we STILL need to look at what they say and do to determine what the heck they are.
Chamberlain obviously is closer to what we would call a Lefty today. We should also remember that it took a lot of other APPEASERS to keep Chamberlain in office!!!
I meant "bird watcher" as in ornithology. Chamberlain was really, really, really into birds.
Mr. Beamish,
I figured as much. I just couldn't resist calling attention to the slang.
Chamberlain was really, really, really into birds.
Ducks too?
Little Che Sucky Ducky wondered:
"How do you "take money away from the economy"."
You take money out of the economy by putting it into "investments" that do not give at least a 1 to 1 return. You invest badly.
As you are only interested in reading propaganda you never see the research and reports that show the money "invested" in MOST social programs are an overall LOSS to the economy.
You will say, but the money is spent IN the economy. And I will reply, yes, and the money spent on Cocaine and Heroin and Meth are spent IN the economy also and DO NOT create economic growth, only wealth concentration.
Similar to most money spent in our Government whether it is regulatory or social, there is no economic GROWTH, just CONSUMPTION!!!
The obvious example is someone starting a business. If he fails, the money went into the economy but did not create any growth. His investors lose and it is gone. If the business is successful and brings in new customers and grows, there is a GROWTH in the economy. Employees get paid and can afford health care food luxuries support for China...
Money put into most Social programs is the same as the failed business. You put the money in and nothing came out. You have to continue putting money in to just maintain the status quo.
The few social programs that actually TRAINED people to WORK gave a net increase as we at least gained TAX PAYERS instead of TAX CONSUMERS!!!
If you can make more money and get more rewards by working harder, more people will work harder. (not everyone but a significant number) If you get the same whether you work hard or not, you will create a minimum output ALL the time.
You know SUCKY, it is amazing how little basic economics you MORONIC LEFTIES retain, that is, if you were ever exposed to BASIC economics!!
You should start over being home schooled by a Christian family. You would be amazed what you learn outside of the Bible!!
You Little Che Sucky MORON!!!!!
Little Che Sucky Cowardly Liar crowed:
"I wonder if the end times twin who was waxing poetic about the fabled israeli military will comment on the miserable performance of the israeli armored divisions."
You mean the non-existant cowardly IDF soldiers who currently have pushed Hizbully from southern Lebanon mostly north of the Litani River?? The poor excuses for soldiers who, on the enemies prepared killing fields still managed to get a 10 to 1 kill ratio against the BIG BAD BRAVE JIHADIS who are sworn to eradicate Israel and run the Jews into the sea???
Yea, those poor underarmed Jihadis using thousands of the latest Russian designed Kornet and wire guided tank killing missiles.
As a rough guess I would say that Israel has destroyed over 500,000,000 petrodollars worth of equipment, installations, and dead mens training.
Not to mention the ecological disaster Hizbully's indiscriminate missile attacks have caused in northern Israel!!!
What a glorious Victory for Hizbully, the BIG BAD BRAVE Jihadis who put women and children next to their launchers and installations to protect them from those non-existant sorry IDF soldiers!!!
Take your propaganda back to the commie simps who created it for your tiny little lack of a brain and tell them they need to do a LOT BETTER!!!
You Little Che Sucky Cowardly Liar!!!
Little Che Sucky Cowardly Liar asked:
"Let's see if you can explain why Israel invaded Lebanon."
Liar, let's have your neighbors come by and kick you in the nuts every few days and see how long it takes before You try to Kill Them!!
You sorry excuse for a semi-sentient anthropoid!!!
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